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The journey towards a holistic well-being and achieving harmonious relationships starts here.The journey towards a holistic well-being and achieving harmonious relationships starts here.Perjalanan menuju kesejahteraan dan hubungan yang harmonis dimulai di sini.
Curious to try? Book a session with MeilindaCurious to try? Book a session with MeilindaIngin berbincang dengan Meilinda?
About Meilinda SutantoAbout Meilinda SutantoTentang Meilinda Sutanto
Vision & MissionVision & MissionVisi & Misi
Keep in touch with MeilindaKeep in touch with MeilindaKeep in touch dengan Meilinda
If you’re interested and want to follow what Meilinda has been up to, you can follow her socials here.If you’re interested and want to follow what Meilinda has been up to, you can follow her socials here.Jika Anda tertarik dan ingin tahu tentang kegitan Meilinda, silakan follow di kanal berikut.
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About Thematic WorkshopsAbout Thematic WorkshopsTentang Workshop Tematik
Non-Thematic WorkshopsNon-Thematic WorkshopsWorkshop Non Tematik
Thematic WorkshopsThematic WorkshopsWorkshop Tematik
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About Individu ConsultationAbout Individu ConsultationTentang Konsultasi Individu
Private Consultation One-on-One SessionPrivate Consultation One-on-One SessionSesi Konsultasi Privat
About Keluarga ConsultationAbout Keluarga ConsultationTentang Konsultasi Keluarga
About Pasangan ConsultationAbout Pasangan ConsultationTentang Konsultasi Pasangan
What is Family ConstellationWhat is Family ConstellationApa itu Family Constellation
Family Constellation is an innovative research-based solution that delves into the hidden dynamics within families and reveals the profound impact of our ancestors on our lives to help us break destructive family patterns of unhappiness, relationship issues, illness, failure, and addiction that passed down through generations.Family Constellation is an innovative research-based solution that delves into the hidden dynamics within families and reveals the profound impact of our ancestors on our lives to help us break destructive family patterns of unhappiness, relationship issues, illness, failure, and addiction that passed down through generations.Family Constellation adalah solusi inovatif berbasis riset yang mendalami dinamika keluarga yang tersembunyi dan mengungkap trauma leluhur yang nantinya akan membantu Anda dalam memutus rantai ketidakbahagiaan, isu dalam hubungan, penyakit, kegagalan, dan adiksi yang telah diwariskan secara turun temurun.
Why Family Constellation?Why Family Constellation?Kenapa Family Constellation
Who is it for?Who is it for?Cocok Untuk Siapa?
Family Constellation is for anyone seeking profound healing and personal growth. Individuals, couples, and families of all backgrounds can benefit from this transformative approach. Regardless of your past experiences or family structure, Family Constellation offers a path towards healing and understanding. Start your journey today!Family Constellation is for anyone seeking profound healing and personal growth. Individuals, couples, and families of all backgrounds can benefit from this transformative approach. Regardless of your past experiences or family structure, Family Constellation offers a path towards healing and understanding. Start your journey today!Family Constellation diperuntukkan untuk semua orang yang mencari penyembuhan mendalam dan pengembangan diri. Individu, pasangan, dan keluarga dari semua latar belakang bisa merasakan keuntungan dari metode transformatif ini. Terlepas dari pengalaman masa lalu atau struktur keluarga, Family Constellation menawarkan jalan menuju kesembuhan dan pemahaman. Mulai perjalan Anda hari ini!
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About Pribadi ConsultationAbout Pribadi ConsultationTentang Konsultasi Individu
Can’t find the right time for you?Can’t find the right time for you?Tidak menemukan jadwal yang pas?
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Want to explore other therapy methods?Want to explore other therapy methods?Lihat metode terapi lainnya?
Find other sessions below that might match your preference.Find other sessions below that might match your preference.Temukan jenis sesi lainnya yang cocok untuk Anda di bawah.
Private consultationsPrivate consultationsKonsultasi privat
Discover our therapy methodsDiscover our therapy methodsMetode Terapi Kami
Find a method that will help you to resolve your issues.Find a method that will help you to resolve your issues.Temukan metode yang cocok untuk masalah Anda.
There are 6 types of family constellation workshops, non thematic and thematic, public or private, in-person and online.There are 6 types of family constellation workshops, non thematic and thematic, public or private, in-person and online.Ada 6 pilihan workshop yang bisa Anda pilih, non tematik, tematik, publik, private, offline, dan online.
Helps you realize you\'re not alone.Helps you realize you\'re not alone.Membantu untuk menyadari bahwa Anda tidak sendirian
Facilitates giving and receiving supportFacilitates giving and receiving supportMemfasilitasi proses memberi dan menerima support
Helps you find the root cause of your family system’s unexpressed 'voice' easier, especially for beginnersHelps you find the root cause of your family system’s unexpressed 'voice' easier, especially for beginnersMembantu Anda untuk menemukan 'suara' dalam sistem keluarga yang tidak terekspresikan dan membantu menemukan akar permasalahannya secara lebih mudah, terutama untuk pemula
Helps you relate to others (and yourself) in healthier waysHelps you relate to others (and yourself) in healthier waysMembantu Anda untuk lebih relate ke orang lain (dan diri sendiri) dengan cara yang lebih sehat
Book a seatBook a seatBook Kursi
Create Private WorkshopCreate Private WorkshopBuat Workshop Privat
There are 2 types of Family Constellation private consultation: we can work individually, or together with you, your partner, or child/parent in a 3 hour package.There are 2 types of Family Constellation private consultation: we can work individually, or together with you, your partner, or child/parent in a 3 hour package.Ada 3 tipe konsultasi privat Family Constellation, individual atau bersama dengan pasangan, anak, atau orangtua lewat sesi yang berlangsung selama 3 jam.
Gives you a safe space to explore your thoughts, feelings, and concernsGives you a safe space to explore your thoughts, feelings, and concernsMemberikan ruang yang aman agar Anda bisa mengeksplorasi pikiran, perasaan, dan kekhawatiran di dalam diri
More confidentiality and privacyMore confidentiality and privacyPrivasi dan kerahasiaan lebih terjaga
One-on-one attention, allows for a deeper understanding of the issuesOne-on-one attention, allows for a deeper understanding of the issuesPerhatian yang terfokus, sehingga memungkinkan untuk lebih memahami masalah Anda secara lebih dalam
An intense and comprehensive level of analysis and treatment.An intense and comprehensive level of analysis and treatment.Tingkat analisa dan perawatan yang lebih komprehensif dan intens
Book SessionBook SessionBook Sesi
Choose a therapy method that works for youChoose a therapy method that works for youPilih metode terapi yang cocok untuk anda
Consult with our therapist in a group setting.Consult with our therapist in a group setting.Konsultasi dengan terapis kami dalam bentuk group.
More cost-effectiveMore cost-effectiveLebih hemat biaya
Insight & support from group membersInsight & support from group membersInsight dan support dari peserta goup
Explore different perspectives & learn from othersExplore different perspectives & learn from othersLihat perspektif yang berbeda dan belajar dari peserta lain
Available in virtual or in-personAvailable in virtual or in-personTersedia online dan offline
Consult with our therapist in a private setting.Consult with our therapist in a private setting.Konsultasi dengan terapis kami secara privat.
Personalized attentionPersonalized attentionLebih fokus
Explore your issue in-depthExplore your issue in-depthTelusuri masalah Anda secara mendalam
Book a sessionBook a sessionBook Sesi
Helps you realize you're not alone.Helps you realize you're not alone.Membantu untuk menyadari bahwa Anda tidak sendirian
The Family Constellation BookThe Family Constellation BookBuku Family Constellation
Heal your emotional wounds by exploring the roots of family issues, as building relationships with your partner and family members also requires knowledge and insight.Heal your emotional wounds by exploring the roots of family issues, as building relationships with your partner and family members also requires knowledge and insight.Sembuhkan luka emosional Anda dengan menggali akar masalah yang terdapat pada keluarga menggunakan pengetahuan dan wawasan yang sesuai dan membangun hubungan yang baik dengan pasangan dan anggota keluarga.
Have any questions that needs answering?Have any questions that needs answering?Punya pertanyaan seputar Family Constellation?
Looking for a specific issue?Looking for a specific issue?Mencari pertanyaan yang lebih spesifik?
Do you have any questions?Do you have any questions?Punya pertanyaan lain?
Reach out to us via WhatsappReach out to us via WhatsappHubungi WhatsApp kami
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Keep in track with the latest Family Constellation Lab news and events.Keep in track with the latest Family Constellation Lab news and events.Dapatkan berita dan event terbaru mengenai Family Constellation Lab.
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Let’s MeetLet’s MeetAyo Bertemu
Invite and host Meilinda to talk and facilitate the Family Constellation workshops in your community, event, city, or country (online and offline).Invite and host Meilinda to talk and facilitate the Family Constellation workshops in your community, event, city, or country (online and offline).Undang Meilinda sebagai pembicara dan selenggarakan workshop Family Constellation di komunitas, event, kota, atau negara Anda (online atau offline)
Partner With UsPartner With UsPartnership
Become our long-term partner so you can regularly host Family Constellation workshops in your community or organization.Become our long-term partner so you can regularly host Family Constellation workshops in your community or organization.Jadi partner kami agar Anda bisa menyelenggarakan workshop Family Constellation secara rutin di komunitas atau organisasi Anda.
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Let’s grow & heal together as a family!Let’s grow & heal together as a family!Saatnya tumbuh & pulih Bersama sebagai keluarga
Individual TherapyIndividual TherapyKonsultasi Individu
Couple TherapyCouple TherapyKonsultasi Pasangan
Family TherapyFamily TherapyKonsultasi Keluarga
family therapyfamily therapyKonsultasi Keluarga
family-therapyFamily TherapyKonsultasi Keluarga
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Let’s Start a ConversationLet’s Start a ConversationAyo Berbincang Bersama Kami
Or Contact Us Through WhatsappOr Contact Us Through WhatsappAtau Hubungi Lewat WhatsApp
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Enter your details, and we’ll reach out to youEnter your details, and we’ll reach out to youMasukkan data Anda untuk kami hubungi
Set a scheduleSet a scheduleTetapkan jadwal
Please select at least 12 hours before the desired datePlease select at least 12 hours before the desired dateHarap pilih setidaknya 12 jam sebelum tanggal yang diinginkan
About Private One-on-one consultationAbout Private One-on-one consultationTentang Sesi Konsultasi Privat
About Couple ConsultationAbout Couple ConsultationTentang Konsultasi Pasangan
About Family ConsultationAbout Family ConsultationTentang Konsultasi Keluarga
Terms And ConditionsTerms And ConditionsSyarat & Ketentuan
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Join our workshop or have a private consultation with usJoin our workshop or have a private consultation with usBergabunglah dengan bengkel kami atau lakukan konsultasi privat dengan kami
Struggling with this topic?Struggling with this topic?Berjuang dengan topik ini?
Please contact us for offline appointment at Jakarta, Indonesia.Please contact us for offline appointment at Jakarta, Indonesia.Silakan hubungi kami untuk janji temu offline di Jakarta, Indonesia.
Whatsapp UsWhatsapp UsWhatsapp Kami
We are here to support you and your family on your journey towards healing and harmony. Please don\'t hesitate to contact us. We are committed to your growth, healing, and creating healthier family dynamics. Together, let\'s embark on a transformative journey towards deeper connection, reconciliation, and personal empowerment.We are here to support you and your family on your journey towards healing and harmony. Please don\'t hesitate to contact us. We are committed to your growth, healing, and creating healthier family dynamics. Together, let\'s embark on a transformative journey towards deeper connection, reconciliation, and personal empowerment.Kami di sini untuk mendukung Anda dan keluarga Anda dalam perjalanan Anda menuju penyembuhan dan harmoni. Harap jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami. Kami berkomitmen untuk pertumbuhan Anda, penyembuhan, dan menciptakan dinamika keluarga yang lebih sehat. Bersama-sama, mari memulai perjalanan transformatif menuju hubungan yang lebih dalam, rekonsiliasi, dan pemberdayaan pribadi.
About Private WorkshopAbout Private WorkshopTentang Workshop Privat
Interested to try it out?Interested to try it out?Tertarik untuk mencoba?
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Other Private ConsultationsOther Private ConsultationsKonsultasi Privat Lainnya
There are 2 others services for Private ConsultationsThere are 2 others services for Private ConsultationsAda 2 layanan lainnya untuk Konsultasi Privat
About Our WorkshopsAbout Our WorkshopsTentang Workshop Kami
Other workshopsOther workshopsWorkshop Lainnya
There are 2 types of family constellation workshops, non thematic and thematicThere are 2 types of family constellation workshops, non thematic and thematicAda 2 jenis workshop family constellation, non tematik dan tematik
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Helps you find the root cause of your family system’s unexpressed \'voice\' easier, especially for beginnersHelps you find the root cause of your family system’s unexpressed \'voice\' easier, especially for beginnersMembantu Anda untuk menemukan \'suara\' dalam sistem keluarga yang tidak terekspresikan dan membantu menemukan akar permasalahannya secara lebih mudah, terutama untuk pemula
Helps you find the root cause of your family system’s unexpressed \'voice\' easier, especially for beginners Helps you find the root cause of your family system’s unexpressed \'voice\' easier, especially for beginners Membantu Anda untuk menemukan \'suara\' dalam sistem keluarga yang tidak terekspresikan dan membantu menemukan akar permasalahannya secara lebih mudah, terutama untuk pemula
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